
Matt Greene

I was born and raised in the Deep South, an area famous for brutal summer heat, humidity and hurricanes. Fairhope, Alabama to be specific- one of two places in the world where jubilees occur, one of Ma Nature’s many gifts. I am a graduate of Auburn University where I obtained a B.S. in Zoology. At Auburn, I was fortunate to cross paths with several great biologists, and because of them I am a conservation biologist today. Over the years I have conducted research in Alabama on cottonmouths, wrangled noxious brown tree snakes in Guam, worked as a land steward using prescribed fire in Maine, Georgia, and Florida, and conducted fire ecology research in Georgia.

My main photography interests include the longleaf pine ecosystem and reptiles and amphibians. When I’m not outside roaming the woods and swamps searching for old turpentine trees and artifacts with my Guamian boonie dog Gordon, catching snakes, or listening to the wind blow through the trees, I can be found inside devouring a book or hot sauce.

Read about Aubrey M. Heupel »